The Children’s City of Professions in KidBurg is a social, commercial, successful, and super-attractive project for kids.
There are eleven KidBurgs in different cities of Russia. Ten out of eleven KidBurgs have been built by our company.
KidBurg is a construction highly detailed project. It is always a timely limited project. The construction period is normally no longer than three months. During this period, we need to build beautiful house models, decorate them, and make the interior design. In addition, we need to install all engineering systems and, of course, test it.
We know our clients from first KidBurg. They always develop their skills and help us to improve our skills as well. Our company does our best to complete all the repairs on time and we appreciate our client’s trust. We always guarantee the high quality.
The most important for our company is to have an ability to work as a General Contractor. As the General Contractor, we have a responsibility to lead all the subcontractors, such as engineering specialists of the mall, designers, and even our clients. Meeting the deadline, responsibility, and high quality are the main criteria for the General Contractor.